Zachow, Wisconsin
Historic Project

Building a Town          Building a Depot
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Model Progress Report
Zachow Structures List
circa 1949

April, 2013

1 - Albert Kallies House  
     1a. garage
     1b. chicken Coup
2 - Donald Proper House
3 - Farmers State Bank  
4 - Mert Bakers Tavern
     4a. outhouse
     4b. outhouse
5 - William Kriel Grocery Store
     5a. garage
6 - Rueben Schmidts Tavern
     6a. outhouse
     6b. outhouse
7 - Herman Radtke Hardware Store  
     7a. garage
     7b. outhouse
8 - Dirks Store Bldg 
          (Bramschreiber Store #1)
     8a. garage
     8b. outhouse
9 - Herman Radtke House
10 - Paul Dobratz Farm
       10a. barn
       10b. machine shed
       10c. chicken coup
       10d. corn crib
11 - Kammerman Bldg 
           (Bramschreiber Store #2)
       11a. livery stable and garage
12 - Section House & CNW sheds  
13 - Pauly Cheese Company  
14 - Pickle House  
15 - Stockyard  
16 - Dirks Feed & Lumber Company
17 - Leonard Dobratz House
18 - Radtke Filling Station
19 - August Bohm House
       19a. garage
       19b. outhouse
20 - August Mansee House
       20a. garage
       20b. outhouse
21 - Charles Dannehl House
        21a. garage
        21b. outhouse
22 - Henry Dirks House
        22a. garage
        22b. shed/small barn
23 - C&NW Depot  
24 - Albert Radtke Garage  
25 - Albert Radtke House 
        25a. barn
        26b shed
26 - Clarence Deering House
        26a. garage
27 - Alma Krueger House
        27a. garage
28 - William Westerfeld House
        28a. barn/garage
        28b. outhouse
29 - M. Marquardt House
       29a. garage
30 - Westerfeld Oil, Inc.
31 - Harley Hanson Blacksmith Shop
        31a. back long bldg
32 - Harvey Radtke House  
       32a. barn/garage
33 - Albert Graf House & Office
34 - Graf Creamery
        34a. commercial garage
35 - Henry Dirks Apartment Bldg  
       35a. garage
36 - Ed Kroening House
       36a. garage
37 - Harry Hoefs House
       37a. garage
38 - Maynard Hoefs House
       38a. garage
39 - Clarence Kroening House
       39a. garage
40 - Norman Burmeister House
       40a. garage
41 - Ernest Westerfeld House
       41a. garage
42 - Herman Dobratz House
43 - Herman Boettcher House
        43a. garage
44 - Zernicke Sawmill
45 - C&NW Trestle
46 - Frank Steide House

Building a Town
Building a Depot
(Click on an image to see a larger version)

Building a Town

Following is a sneak-preview of the semi-completed diorama.


Several buildings remain to be made at the time these pictures were taken and scenery is far from being completed.

Final Diorama


None of these buildings started out as kits.

They all are near perfect replicas in scale of what the prototype structures looked like in the 1940s when the town was humming and vibrant!

Most of the models are constructed of plastic although a couple are made of wood.

Vehicles and people will ultimately populate the now-empty streets allowing the town to come alive again! The photography of some of these pictures was done outside in late afternoon sunlight for a more natural look allowing shadows to appear where they would in real life in a couple of the shots.

Public viewing of the depot and "the town" is now available, the museum opened
July, 2013 at Heritage Park in Shawano, WI.

Copyright 2012 - Depots By John